Rinck Life

Road to Rinck

September 29, 2022

After spending my teen years writing, drawing, and dreaming up movie scenes, I went to the University of Maryland in pursuit of film and screenwriting. This was after a semester stint in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest on a NOLS course. But, as the seasons changed, I leaned further and further towards the art department. I found myself nestled in a space where the possibilities of storytelling still existed, in a simplified graphic composition. While analyzing classic film in one class, I was studying typographic languages and the history of design in another. I was fascinated with how film and graphic design could interact, and animation offered a solution. Soon I was making frame by frame animations for illustration classes, and learning After Effects to make a cartoon plastic bag blow up.

I came out of UMD after countless late nights in the Art Building – animating, illustrating, writing, and screen printing. But I also left with a deeper understanding of how to communicate, and tell stories with impact.

Upon graduation I had a year or so under my belt working in the UMD Recwell Creative Team and had enough projects and experience to secure an internship at Next Day Animations. By the end of the summer, it turned into a job, and I moved to Baltimore to start my next adventure with some kind, creative people. While working there I had opportunities to project manage and design for amazing nonprofits and organizations, and further advance my skills in client communication, collaboration, and animation. Despite forming amazing friendships with clients and coworkers, by 2022 I was ready for bigger things and bigger projects.

With my skills in branding and motion design in hand, I was on the lookout for a new company that matched my long-term plans. Rinck had big clients and bigger goals, and I was excited to join an in-house team of creatives that was a powerhouse in creating content for clients. Rinck was also an opportunity that would both challenge and support my visions of art directing and participating in campaign concepts. Though I’ve only just gotten here, I’m excited for my next journey – the one where I’m learning and growing at Rinck!

Maya Johnston

Graphic Designer

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