Rinck Life

My Rinck Summer

October 12, 2022

Being born, raised, and living in Maine when summer is your favorite time of the year isn’t always easy, trust me! There’s only about four months of prime summer weather here, give or take a few weeks on either end depending on how generous (or not) Mother Nature is feeling. That’s 16 weeks, only 112 days of the year! When you factor in the work week, that cuts down my “fun in the sun” time to around 32 days. Only 32 of 365 days where I get to live my best life.

Thankfully, Rinck gets it! They know we need to enjoy the summer while she’s here, which is why they’ve given us Summer Free Fridays. The company picks seven Fridays in the summer for us all to completely take off from work, relax, and have some fun! Here’s how I spent mine:

May 27th (Memorial Day weekend) – This was a huge weekend for me, because my best friend got married! She’s the first of the friend group to tie the knot and we made a whole weekend of it, so this Friday was spent traveling to Rhode Island and starting the festivities a little early!

July 1st (4th of July weekend) – My mom’s side of the family owns an amazing piece of land on the Saco River right in North Conway, NH. Every year we spend the 4th of July holiday camping on the river, so again we got an extra day of hot dogs, campfires, tubing, and fireworks!

July 15thThis is the weekend I moved into my first post-grad apartment! My boyfriend, our puppy Bailey, and I moved in on Saturday. That meant that this Summer Free Friday was spent finishing up packing and buying all of the last-minute things.

July 29thSince before I was born my family has spent as much of August as possible at our camp on East Grand Lake. I used this as a travel day to start my vacation week, since driving to my favorite place on Earth is a four-hour drive right to the border of Maine and Canada. Literally, if you go out to the middle of the lake you’re technically in Canada!

Photograph of sunset over a lake.

August 12thThis was a simple but perfect day spent on the water with friends, family, and my pup!

August 26thAnother wedding weekend! This one was in Jefferson, NH so we took the opportunity to camp for the weekend & do some hiking in the White Mountains.

September 2nd (Labor Day weekend) – This was probably the most relaxing of all of my Summer Free Fridays, but I got to go home to see my family for an extended Labor Day weekend!

When I look back on my Summer Free Fridays I am so grateful I had this time to connect and celebrate with family and friends, enjoy the Maine outdoors, and so much more without the stress of knowing I was missing anything on the work-front. I’m so thankful for this wonderful benefit of being a part of Team Rinck!

Libby Belanger

Assistant Project Manager

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